July Newsletter

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“Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart.” 2 Corinthians 4:1 (NKJV)

July was a busy month of ministry. This year we all went to the Continental Baptist Mission’s Family Conference in Ankeny, IA where we were reminded to keep our focus on bringing glory to Jesus Christ instead of being fixated on other goals that might bring glory to ourselves. We are encouraged as we remember what Christ has done for us, and the mercy we have received to do the ministry He has given us. It is amazing how God works!

At the conference, the kids had fun learning new songs and studying God’s Word while spending time with their missionary friends. We adults enjoyed a great time of encouragement and spiritual refreshment with friends old and new. On July 4, we had quality family time and enjoyed the fireworks. We were also thrilled to visit a county fair and be treated to some rides while on deputation.

Amanda had two landmark events this month. We celebrated her tenth birthday and she participated in her first youth triathlon. She finished exhausted, but with a smile on her face, ready to do it again next year! Our sending church put on the “International Spy Academy” VBS. The kids really got into being Scripture detectives and still sing the songs they learned. Brenda helped all week with the primary class. This month we ministered at First Baptist Church in Littleton, IL and Faith Baptist Church in Hudson, IA. With each new church we visit, we stand amazed at God’s provision. He provides great fellowship, encouragement and many other unexpected blessings along the way!

Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement. Please continue to pray with us that our support would come in His timing.

Fulfilling the great commission together,

Brian, Brenda, Amanda, Luke, Nathanael and Rebekah Krueger