Psalm 90:17 “And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.”
This year has been challenging for us. Two builders retired from CBM. The project in Sparta was delayed because of a high voltage power line, a pole that needed to be moved for a new addition, and approval of a permit for the existing building. We sat and discussed what the future held for us and kept coming back to the simple truths that brought us into this ministry. Our desire is to serve, believing that God will “establish the work that He has for us,” which is the same as Moses’ desire in Psalm 90:17. Every step of faith we have taken, God has been there for us and continually proves His promises to be true.
Our ministry truck was repaired and we have already put on 205 ministry miles getting building materials. In the last two months God’s people have sent in another $2250 to help cover the cost! We are grateful! We have also found amazing deals on tools needed for the ministry. In addition, we are praising the Lord, for another supporter!
Now that the building permit has been approved, we are working on the existing building for Baptist Bible Church in Sparta. So far we have replaced shingles and are insulating the outside. We have been informed that the power company will be able to reroute the high voltage power line and move the power pole in the next couple weeks. Pray that this happens!
The rest of the family has been staying busy as well. Amanda officially made it through half of her first semester of college. She is loving it and doing well. She also passed her driver’s test and is now fully licensed to drive. The remaining crew has joined a homeschool group twice a week. Luke and Nathanael are taking three high school classes and Rebekah is taking three middle school classes. Brenda is teaching the high school chemistry class.
It was a blessing for us to see Rebekah get baptized a couple weeks ago! The lake water was a little chilly, but it turned out to be a great day for her and four others in our church to get baptized. Thank you for your prayers and support as we continue to serve!

Fulfilling the great commission together,
Brian, Brenda, Amanda, Luke, Nathanael and Rebekah
- We received the building permit for Baptist Bible Church in Sparta, MI!
- Amanda passed her driver’s test!
- Rebekah was baptized!
- Increased support!
Pray with us
- We need more missionary builders.
- Wisdom for Brian as he manages the receipts for Sparta’s budget.
- Good weather for the builders to work.
- The power lines would get moved.
Build Site
Baptist Bible Church – Sparta, MI

Kids’ Corner
What is your favorite school subject/class this year?
- Amanda (18) “Introduction to Bible Study.”
- Luke (17) “None of them.”
- Nathanael (14) “Literature.”
- Rebekah (11) “Handbells.”
- Raised: 74.5%