Philippians 4:19 (NKJV) “And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.“
Exactly 10 years ago in our August 2014 newsletter we used this Bible verse, praising God for His provision. At that time God provided wood to heat the house for the winter, men from our church who helped move it, someone who graciously split and stacked it for us, and the provision of school supplies through a missionary closet at a church we visited. In August of 2024, 10 years later, we are still amazed and blessed by God’s provision for our needs. Over and over in the last few months we have been overwhelmed as we prepare our trailers for our move to Montana. A few examples of God’s provision include free food we have been given, an electrician friend to troubleshoot our RV washing machine, a business friend providing propane tanks, help finishing the inside of our tool trailer, a new supporting church, increased support from our sending church, the rest of the funds for the scissor lift, and the MANY people who are praying for us! Through the generous help of friends, family, churches, and a co-worker, we purchased a scissor lift in Iowa and moved it to Michigan so it could be used at the current build. There are still plenty of challenges to get through and yet we know that God will supply our needs!
We continue to make good progress on the current church build. Just like our personal lives, God is providing here as well! Ted & Jenell Lozier and Ed & Carol Bowman have joined us onsite to help. Many volunteers from other churches as well as our own have worked many hours to help get the build to where it is. We have passed the final inspections for plumbing and HVAC. The auditorium has been painted and we are currently working on the stage and sound booth. Countertops and cabinets have been installed. Door frames are set and the trim is being installed. Please continue to pray as there are many details yet to be accomplished, yet we know that God will provide in those as well!
Thank you for being a part of God’s provision!

Fulfilling the great commission together,
Brian, Brenda, Amanda, Luke, Nathanael and Rebekah
(the same today as in 2014!)
- God’s amazing provision, even when we do not ask!
- For 27 years of marriage!
- We have another supporting church!
Pray with us
- Our support level will cross 90%.
- Wisdom and finances as we pick out skirting and tires for the fifth wheel in preparation for Montana.
- Sermon preparations for Brian as he fills the pulpit Labor Day weekend.
Kids’ Corner
What is one way you saw God provide this month?
- Amanda (20) “My financial aid package came back the same as last year!”
- Luke (18) “He provided opportunities to grow closer to coworkers.”
- Nathanael (16) “A good ending to the summer at Lincoln Lake Camp.”
- Rebekah (13) “He provided a Christian orthodontist in Montana and the opportunity to go to camp.”
What is one way you saw God provide this month? (August 2014 throwback)
- Amanda (10) “Well it was probably the time dad wanted to stay at a church to go to Cabelas and that night there was a storm.”
- Luke (8) “Safe travels.”
- Nathanael (6) “Joshua’s cousin came to our church and we had fun.”
- Rebekah (3) “He beeded good.”
- Raised: 87.7%