Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV) Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
As we begin our second build site as full-time missionaries, we want to take a few moments and reflect on all God has done. The first build site, Bethel Baptist Church in Camp Douglas, WI was a huge encouragement to us as full-time missionaries. From the time we left Michigan with the trailer to today we can see how God has worked through various challenges. The morning we were supposed to leave for Wisconsin we discovered that the trailer had brake issues. Since no mechanic was available the other builders helped Brian fix the problem. This delayed our departure and the traffic in Chicago was just starting to get congested.
Going from a desk job to a manual labor job has been an adjustment for Brian. There were days after work he didn’t want to move. But God faithfully gives him the strength to do the work that He has called him to.
The first month Brian was at the build site Brenda stayed in Michigan while Amanda finished nursing classes. We had planned to be together every other weekend, but Covid changed our plans. We were apart longer than expected due to exposure and Covid itself for Brenda and the kids. God provided for Brenda through meals and encouragement from friends.
Encouragement and help has come from many. Multiple builders have pulled our trailer while we consider which truck to buy. Brian’s parents visited the build site and his dad helped bend metal for the siding. Our kids were able to help with the build site as well. Members of Bethel Baptist Church welcomed us with open arms. Brian enjoyed a couple of days turkey hunting on a member’s property. Individuals joined us on site, teaching Brian a few tricks of the trade. In addition, they prayed for us, encouraged us, and showed us hospitality. It was not easy to move on to the next site, yet we are settled and look forward to watching God work in Chardon, OH. Thank you for your prayers and financial support, they are invaluable as we do God’s work building with Continental Baptist Missions.
Fulfilling the great commission together,
Brian, Brenda, Amanda, Luke, Nathanael and Rebekah

- We finished our first build site!
- The building team made it safely to Ohio!
- Brenda and kids have recovered from Covid and are doing well!
- Amanda & Luke are enjoying their summer of camp ministry!
Pray with us
- Wisdom as we look into purchasing a truck.
- Opportunities as we interact with our neighbors in the mobile home park where our camper is parked.
- Safety for the building team.
Build site
Bethel Baptist Church Camp Douglas, WI

- Waiting for the lift company to come an install the lift!
Kids’ Corner
What was your favorite part of the Camp Douglas build site?
- Amanda (17) “Painting the walls with Rebekah and the other builders.”
- Luke (15) “Doing fireworks with Mr. Wooster.”
- Nathanael (13) “Working with dad on the build site.”
- Rebekah (10) “Hanging out with the Wooster kids.”