And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest? Luke 12:25-26 (NKJV)
God provides in amazing ways! When Brenda was leaving the kids’ music program one Wednesday she discovered a flat tire on the van. We were in a time crunch because we had a deputation meeting scheduled that evening. Brenda was able to put air in the tire and get home. Brian changed the tire and while we didn’t arrive at our planned time, we arrived with just enough time. During the presentation, Brian dropped the clicker and broke it. Between Brenda and Amanda they clicked through the rest of the presentation manually. Despite all the chaos, the meeting went well and when we went to buy a new clicker we found the same kind on sale for 50% off!
As Brian was taking his final for his architecture class he accidentally hit a key that disabled dynamic inputs. Although we have been praying for opportunities for Brian to learn AutoCAD, we were surprised that God answered during his final. He struggled through the rest of the test without that feature and by the grace of God he only missed 1 point!
One of our generous individual supporters informed us they would no longer be able to continue financially partnering with us. This dear friend continues to be a huge blessing to us, but this change didn’t surprise God. In fact, God worked it out that our support level would slightly increase.
We are still learning to give thanks in everything. We cannot say it enough; Thank you for helping us do what God wants us to do. When we think about the sacrifices people make to allow us to be in this ministry, we are humbled. Thanks for encouraging us! Thanks for praying for us! Thanks for financially partnering with us! And a special thanks for the thoughtful Christmas presents! May you all have a Happy New Year and continue to count your blessings!
Fulfilling the great commission together,
Brian, Brenda, Amanda, Luke, Nathanael and Rebekah

- We have a new individual supporter, another supporting church, and a church increased support!
- Brian finished and did well in his AutoCAD class!
- The big ice storm missed us and we have not had a major power outage this winter!
- We had great weather and safety as we travelled to Iowa for Christmas to visit friends and family!
Pray with us
- For the Young Married’s Bible Study we are starting in February.
- Both of our dads are having knee surgery in early February.
Build site
Faith Baptist Church in Oconomowoc, WI

- The doors are hung and the siding installed. The rough electrical and spray foam insulation is done. Sheetrock is up and now they are taping and mudding.
Kids’ Corner
What did you enjoy most this Christmas?
- Amanda (15) “Seeing missed family and friends”
- Luke (14) “Seeing family and friends.”
- Nathanael (11) “Going to Iowa.”
- Rebekah (9) “Opening presents and spending time with family.”
- Feb. – Brian and Brenda are starting a Young Married’s Bible Study.
- Feb. 2 – Brian is filling the pulpit at our church in Michigan.
- Feb. 13 – Brenda starts Ladies Bible Study.