November 2019 Newsletter

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“Let the wise hear and increase in learning.”  
Proverbs 1:5a (NKJV)

God continues to provide each us opportunities to learn and grow. The kids are challenged by their homeschooling curriculums. Amanda is learning French and uses it around the house which challenges everyone. The kids continue to push their limits and excel in musical pursuits. It’s a lot of fun listening to them practice. Brenda desired to be in a Ladies Bible Study and since we are officially members of Baptist Bible Church (BBC), they challenged her to take over leading it. That was definitely out of her comfort zone! She is being stretched, but enjoys her time with a wonderful and diverse group of fifteen ladies. To help facilitate his own learning, Brian is taking an AutoCAD class from the local community college. Not only is he learning how to use this tool, he really enjoys going over what he is learning with the other builders.

BBC is currently renting their building and actively looking for land to build a church. It’s exciting for us because CBM is helping them make plans for their new church building. The church family is excited and giving generously towards the building fund.  Brian is learning a lot through this unique experience of being on both sides of the growth process.

We are praising God that another family joined CBM as church planter appointees. As the home office prepared for candidate school, Brian shared things they could have done that would have helped us as new appointees. The next thing we knew, they asked us to teach a class. In addition, Brian is helping put together two new CBM videos. One video highlights “God Stories” from the church planters. The other is a time lapse video from the current building project in Oconomowoc, WI.

When we moved to Michigan our desire was to have shorter drives for deputation and to learn more about the pre-building ministry. We are thankful that God is answering our prayers. Praise God we are scheduling churches!

Fulfilling the great commission together,
Brian, Brenda, Amanda, Luke, Nathanael and Rebekah  


  • We have another supporting church!
  • College (for Brian) and school (for the kids) are going well!
  • Our website is up and running after it was infected with malware!
  • We have another CBM missionary!

Pray with us

  • Brian as he calls pastors and schedules meetings for 2020.
  • Brenda as she does three more ladies Bible studies this fall, and decides on a study to do this spring.
  • BBC as they search for land for their new church building.
  • God would provide many “God stories” for the CBM videos.

Build site

Faith Baptist Church in Oconomowoc, WI

  • The roof is shingled and doesn’t that steeple look nice? Windows have been installed. Sidewalks have been poured. Pray for warmer days so they can finish the outside work.


What is something you have learned recently?

  • Amanda (15) “Comment parler un peu Français.” 😛
  • Luke (14) “I learned how to play jazz music on the trumpet.”
  • Nathanael (11) “That’s an interesting question… How to make alum crystals.”
  • Rebekah (9) “Hmmm… Let me think… I’m learning how to play the recorder.”


  • Nov 10 – Presenting at Weidman Baptist Church, Weidman, MI
  • Nov 13 – Presenting at Ithaca Baptist Church, Ithaca, MI.
  • Dec 8 – Presenting at First Baptist Church, Reed City, MI.
  • Dec 14 – Band and Choir Christmas Concert.


  • Raised: 64%
  • Only $2100 per month to go!
  • Prayerfully consider supporting us with $5 a month or more.