“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.” John 15:5-6 (NKJV)
One of the fun things about being in a new house in the spring is discovering all of the new flowers that the previous owner planted. We discovered an overgrown raspberry patch and as we worked to clear the weeds we found a vine. The branch was easy to cut off, but the vine was a totally different story. We have attacked it with hoes, spades, axes, and a tiller but the vine is still showing itself through branches that keep popping up in the raspberry patch. The verse about the vine and branches takes on a whole new meaning to us. We are thankful for the reminder that it’s not about us, the branches, it is all about the One True Vine!
Brian continues to learn more about the building ministry. It’s also been encouraging that he is already able to start doing some of the work. He created an excel macro as he organized materials for the garage in Oconomowoc. It is exciting to use the skills he has learned in his programming career and apply them to the building ministry. He’s now expanding the functionality of the macro code and applying it to the electrical materials needed for the church.
We are thankful for the opportunities to get our kids involved in supporting the ministry. They helped set up and tear down for the CBM banquet. They were able to spend a couple mornings helping to get the quarterly CBM newsletter in the mail. And now they are helping mow the big backyard of CBM.
We enjoyed sharing our ministry with Emmanuel Baptist Church in Coral, MI. As spring turns into summer, we are looking forward to the ministry opportunities we have ahead. We appreciate your prayers and support!
Fulfilling the great commission together,
Brian, Brenda, Amanda, Luke, Nathanael and Rebekah

- The time lapse camera is set up and running in Oconomowoc, WI!
- We had family come and visit for Memorial Day!
- The kids have enjoyed learning and playing soccer!
- We celebrated Brian’s Dad’s 70th birthday!
Pray with us
- Scheduling deputation meetings for 2019/2020.
- Brenda’s mom is recovering from hip replacement surgery done on June 17.
- Safety as we travel this summer.
- Wisdom and perseverance in finishing our homeschooling year.
Build site
Faith Baptist Church in Oconomowoc, WI

- Two builder family’s are working at the site! Dirt is being moved to prepare for the building. A retention pond had to be dug. RV hook up sites are being set up. Pray for the electrical inspection coming up.
Kids’ Corner
What are you most looking forward to doing this summer?
- Amanda (14) “Seeing a lot of family and friends and turning 15.”
- Luke (13) “Going to Iowa for VBS.”
- Nathanael (11) “JUNIOR BOYS CAMP!!!” (jumping up and down)
- Rebekah (8) “Hmmmm, there’s one thing, family conference and seeing Grandma and Grandpa for his birthday and seeing Aunt Krista and going to be “Uncle” Justin, seeing Grammie, seeing Marnie, Emerson and Judah, that’s it.”
- Jun 16 – Presenting at Bible Baptist Church – Sparta, MI
- Jun 24-28 – Vacation Bible School at Baptist Bible Church in Sparta, MI
- Jun 24-29 – Luke is attending Middle School Camp at Lincoln Lake Baptist Youth Camp, Gowen, MI.
- July 15-19 – CBM Family Conference at Faith Baptist Bible College – Ankeny, IA