May 2024 Newsletter

Lamentations 3:21-23 (ESV) But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

God continues to answer our prayers as we prepare for our first big move. We have a lot of exciting news to share! Our tool trailer came and is sitting on our property. A group of college & career guys from Baptist Bible Church came and helped. They varnished the walls of the tool trailer, helped build steps for the 5th wheel, changed the alternator on our truck, and helped wash down the outside of our fifth wheel trailer. We are very grateful for their ministry to us!

Brian has been looking for a used SJ3215 scissor lift, and he found one in Sioux Center, Iowa. A college friend graciously went and looked at it for us. Once all of the financing and inspections are complete, he will store it at his house until we can pick it up. A new scissor lift would have been at least $14,500. This used one was built in 2020, and has 109 hours of use on the machine. The final price is $9,061.50. Another two generous gift came in and God has provided $5,750 for this scissor lift. We are praying that God will supply the last $3,311.50.

We are continuing to make progress on the church build. The siding, brick work, entryway, and sidewalks are complete. They will begin work on the asphalt for the parking lot this week. We have much to do yet, but we thank God for what is complete and His provision of safety for the builders.

Luke is graduating! We are celebrating with an open house on June 2nd. If you are close by please come and celebrate with us.

Our support level has changed a bit. We lost an individual supporter due to financial need, we gained a new supporting church, and we had to slightly change our personal budget. We are very grateful for God’s provision to allow us to do this ministry!

The college & career guys from Baptist Bible Church that came and helped us!
Our new steps to our 5th wheel trailer.
Grandpa is building Rebekah’s new bed frame for 5th wheel trailer.
Installing Moderra Brick.
Pouring sidewalks.
Front view of church after entry way has been completed.

Fulfilling the great commission together,

Brian, Brenda, Amanda, Luke, Nathanael and Rebekah


  • We have our tool trailer!
  • We found a used scissor lift and it is 2/3 paid for!
  • We finished another school year and Luke is graduating!
  • Luke has a full-time job beginning in June!

Pray with us

  • Continued wisdom as we prepare for our big move to Montana later this year.
  • As we plan and prepare to take two kids to Montana and leave two kids in Michigan.
  • The work at the build site would continue to progress smoothly and quickly.

Build Site

Baptist Bible Church – Sparta, MI  


What is your favorite thing you learned in school this year?

  • Amanda (19) “If someone were to cut your aorta it would spray 15 feet in the air.”
  • Luke (18) “Mitochondria is the power house of the cell.”
  • Nathanael (16) “I learned how to drive.”
  • Rebekah (13) “Writing an 8 paragraph essay is as easy as 13233333323333233331 sentence pattern.”


  • Raised: 83.6%

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