Luke 10:36-37“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
Since returning to Montana in January, we have had several opportunities to go ice fishing, sometimes as a family, sometimes with people from the church. On a Sunday afternoon in early February Brian went ice fishing with a young man from the church. In an attempt to get to the south side of the lake they took a narrow road that looked ok. It quickly became evident that they made a mistake. Unfortunately, there was no room to turn around. They tried and, in that attempt, the van got stuck, blocking the road from both directions. The “good Samaritan” came in the form of two ladies driving a 4×4 truck on their way home from fishing. Neva and Lynn Rose showed mercy and helped dig out the van. Two more groups of fishermen got the van back on the road headed in the right direction. By this time, two guys from church pulled us out onto the road. It is a wonderful thing when strangers and friends lend a hand in your time of need. Thank you again for your help!
The church building is progressing nicely. The roof deck is insulated and the interior walls are in place. The HVAC, rough-in plumbing, and electrical contractors are busy at work. Please pray for continued opportunities to share the gospel and be a light to many of these contractors.
Brenda started the spring semester chemistry class for Maranatha Baptist University and has four students. She plays piano once a month for church services and participates in a Bible study with the other builder’s wives on site. Nathanael and Rebekah officially started piano lessons at the beginning of February. We were praying for a local teacher that would be willing to teach more advanced students and God provided!

Fulfilling the great commission together,
Brian, Brenda, Nathanael and Rebekah
- Making new friends while ice fishing and while getting un-stuck!
- Valley Baptist Church received the Lasko Grant!
- Two churches increased our support!
Pray with us
- Health and safety as we travel to North Carolina for Luke & Caitlyn’s wedding on March 8.
- Wisdom in preparations for Amanda’s wedding in August.
- Continued safety for all of the builders as they work.
- Wisdom for Brian as he studies Philippians to begin teaching Sunday School in April.
Kids’ Corner
What is one thing you are enjoying while living in Montana?
- Nathanael (16) “Ice fishing.”
- Rebekah (14) “Making new friends and getting to see the mountains and the animals.”
- Raised: 88.9%